Members of the Z Generation are those under 25 years old and born between 1995 and 2010. Given their young age, they mostly live with their […]
Arabica, the most widespread cultivar in the world, is broadly considered to be the excellence among the varieties of coffee. But is Arabica up to its […]
Every coffee aficionado aims to make the best cup possible, which means careful attention to each step in the brewing process. We can pay attention to […]
From the Mimosa to the Bloody Mary–the problem with breakfast cocktails is that they can easily slow you down and hinder the rest of your day. […]
Caffé Vergnano is the #1 best-selling Nespresso Compatible Coffee Capsule in Italy. Worldwide, Italian Coffee is highly regarded. In fact, what the world knows as ‘coffee […]
The Coffee Roasting Process is one of the most important to Caffè Vergnano Coffees as it’s this crucial step that transforms the chemical properties of the […]
Reviewing our sales and analytic data reports since we launched our American site in February, we have noticed an increasing trend. Our Arabica product sales […]
For years I have celebrated the end of summer with my beloved tiramisu. And with this recipe I am happy to inaugurate a small space for […]
Good morning to you coffee lovers, to those who wake up better with the perfume of fresh coffee. To you, who use the excuse “see you […]
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Members of the Z Generation are those under 25 years old and born between 1995 and 2010. Given their young age, they mostly live with their family and influence their purchasing choices.
Technological natives and social media experts, primarily Instagram, prefer the use of images over words. But this does not translate into superficiality as they show great interest in work (and the consequent economic independence) and towards important issues such as the environment, gender equality and social inclusion.
The predilection for technology does not remove them from the physical world and they seek security and stability in human contact.
The very young are attentive consumers, they read the labels, take an interest in what they buy and pay attention to companies capable of attracting their attention in a short time with stories and contents (from the origin of raw materials to the production process, up to the implications of social commitment). Although they are not particularly fond of specific brands, they marry those who are attentive to quality and respect of the environment and people.
A research by Caffè Vergnano conducted thanks to Survey Mokey highlights that, in line with the rest of Italians, even 20-year-olds love coffee (95% of interviewees consume it), and drink it both at home (the moka pot is preferred by 53% of the interviewees, who alternate it with capsules and pods) and outside of home coffee consumption.
They choose it first of all for the taste, then for the energy it brings and finally to accompany a moment of pause. Preferably consumed in the morning and in the afternoon, espresso is especially enjoyed with other people. 70% of respondents drink 1-2 coffees a day at home and buy it on different channels, mainly in supermarket, followed by the manufacturer's e-commerce and Amazon in the third place. They are very curious about the world of espresso, of which they love to discover every aspect, in particular those relating to the production part, the preparations (which they would like to replicate at home, through special tutorials), and history.
Going to the bar is certainly part of the habits of the very young: 32% go there every day, 33% from 1 to 3 times a week, and 13% even several times a day. They mainly order espresso (74%),
followed by cappuccino (49%), while other drinks such as ginseng are not particularly popular (17%).
The bar represents one of the meeting places of excellence, where you can spend your free time, experiment, offline, human relationships and cultivate friendships.
Generation Z members declare themselves fairly loyal to the trusted bar, but don't mind trying new places. The choice of location is influenced by the extra offer (presence of the study area, availability of wi-fi ...) and from the experience that is offered to them, to accompany the coffee. Quality remains a priority, but the story of what is served and the ability to be engaged with interesting content are elements that make the difference in defining the ideal coffee shop.Among the other peculiarities that guide the choice of place, the possibility of trying new extraction methods, further proof of the importance of adequate preparation of the barista and continuous training.
[post_title] => Z Generation: what is the relationship of younger people with bars and coffee [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => open [ping_status] => open [post_password] => [post_name] => z-generation-what-is-the-relationship-of-younger-people-with-bars-and-coffee [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2020-10-07 06:26:59 [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-10-07 04:26:59 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => blog [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [1] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 69799 [post_author] => 5 [post_date] => 2020-09-25 06:05:18 [post_date_gmt] => 2020-09-25 04:05:18 [post_content] =>
Great attention must be paid to food as they prefer fresh, sustainably produced, organic, with natural ingredients. Familiar with experimentation, they love original flavor combinations and contaminations from other cultures, with an eye to health.
Technology is certainly at the center of the lives of Generation Z members, and they use it to simplify their lives, thus asking for the possibility of digital payments or joining loyalty programs integrated into their smartphones, but they are not willing to give up human contact, continuing to prefer the physical place and the shop capable of satisfying their expectations and satisfying their tastes and behaviors to online.Arabica, the most widespread cultivar in the world, is broadly considered to be the excellence among the varieties of coffee. But is Arabica up to its reputation? Which properties make it stand out from its less well-known "cousins"?
Coffee is an evergreen shrub belonging to the Rubiaceae coffee family, classified under the genus Coffea. There are over ninety species of coffee and Coffea Arabica is one of the most popular, together with Coffea Canephora, commonly called Robusta, Liberica and Excelsa. There are several varieties of Arabica such as Mocha, Bourbon, Java, Nacional, Caturra, Catuai, Mundo Novo, Catimor...
Originating in the mountainous regions of Ethiopia, the plant is delicate and sensitive to heat and humidity. The grounds at high altitude in which it plants its roots are rich in minerals, even volcanic, which are the source of the fine organoleptic properties of the coffee beans that are enhanced as the altitude increases. It is mainly cultivated in Central and South America at an altitude ranging between 600 and 2,000 metres, but there are also sites of excellence in Asia and Africa. Today it covers 2/3 of the global production of coffee, with a wide range of selections and a remarkable diversity of taste.
The secrets to the success... of this coffee
Its characteristic blue-green coffee bean has an elongated shape and a slightly shallow, sinuous groove, although what’s really extraordinary is its composition. In fact, in addition to being the only species of coffee with 44 chromosomes, it differs from its direct competitor, Coffea Robusta, for its content:
- 18% vs 9% of oils
- 8% vs 5% of sugars
- 0.9%-1.7% vs 1.6-2.8% of caffeine
The result? Fragrant grains produce an infusion with a rich aroma, delicately sour, less astringent and sweeter in taste compared to Robusta and not as bitter since it contains more sugar and less caffeine. Espresso has a thin, dense crema of hazelnut colour with reddish reflections and a smooth, pleasantly acid flavour. The vegetable components contained in greater quantities frequently develop during roasting the aroma of chocolate with a persistent caramel aftertaste.
So, why spoil the absolute purity of this delicacy, mixing it with different, less noble varieties? It’s very simple: we all have different tastes. Arabica is loved especially by those who prefer light roasted coffee, with sweet notes and an aroma of fruit and honey. For those who prefer a more bitter taste and woody, spicy flavours or who simply like to try new alchemies, the competence and creativity of the coffee producer are reflected in the creation of blends featuring selected varieties. Keep in mind that numerous factors contribute to making coffee of excellent quality – the cultivation (soil, altitude, etc.), harvesting and processing techniques, type of roasting and correct procedures for preservation, transport and storage. Different and masterfully dosed cultivars provide taste, density and aroma that are revealed to the consumer through extraordinary flavour and olfactory experiences.
[post_title] => The properties of Arabica coffee [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => open [ping_status] => open [post_password] => [post_name] => the-properties-of-arabica-coffee [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2020-09-25 06:05:18 [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-09-25 04:05:18 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => blog [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [2] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 69798 [post_author] => 5 [post_date] => 2020-09-25 06:01:37 [post_date_gmt] => 2020-09-25 04:01:37 [post_content] =>Every coffee aficionado aims to make the best cup possible, which means careful attention to each step in the brewing process. We can pay attention to the bean, the type of water and the water temperature, the measurement of coffee used, and whether we our grinding our beans fresh on the spot. With the myriad coffee types and coffee appliances available to us, one crucial element of the process is often misunderstood and overlooked: the coffee grind.
Coffee grind not only matters, it is possibly one of the most important steps in the coffee brewing process, as grind size can dramatically change the taste of your coffee, transforming it from perfection to undrinkable bitterness.
So, how does grind size affect our coffee, and which grind is right for your coffee brewing method?
When it comes to grind size, there are two main factors that matter: the amount of time the coffee grounds are in contact with the water and the speed with the which the water is flowing through the grinds. If your brewing method has a short contact time, as in an espresso machine the grind should be finer. Alternatively, If the coffee method steeps coffee grounds in water for several minutes, the contact time is higher and, therefore requires a coarser grind.
If you ignore this and the contact time is too high or the grind is too fine, it will result in an over-extracted brew which will be bitter. If the grind is too coarse or the contact time is too short, the coffee will turn out weak.Finding the proper balance between the two will help in producing the best cup of coffee possible.
So, which coffee grind size is for you?
For our pre-ground coffee tins, we take out the guesswork and list the ideal brewing types within each product description. If you're grinding our coffee beans yourself, then here is a good guide for which grind suits your desired brewing method.
With an array of different brewing methods, knowing which grind size to use is crucial to getting the best possible cup.
Turkish coffee calls for an extra fine grind size
Espresso's high pressure brewing has a short contact time and requires an extra fine grind
AeroPress,a single-cup manual coffee maker, similar to a French press requires a medium to fine grind, depending on steep time
Pour-over brewers popular in Europe, call for a medium to medium-fine grind
The Moka pot (or pour over Espresso maker) has a longer contact time than its high pressure cousin, and therefore requires a medium grind
A single-cup coffee maker, such as a Nespresso Compatible Coffee Machine now allows for reusable capsules for custom coffee blends and calls for a medium to medium-fine grind
Drip coffee is the most popular American brewing method and requires medium-coarse to medium grind
The French press is a long steeping method and therefore requires a coarse grind
Ultimately, any recommendation is secondary to your own palate and taste preference. And if you find that you coffee is weak, adjust to a finer grind and if your coffee tastes bitter or overly strong, adjust to a coarser grind.
In addition, regardless of the grind, uniformity matters – so apply a bit of patience during your grinding process and aim for an even grind when grinding your beans. And be sure to regularly and thoroughly clean your coffee maker, as old grounds can tarnish the flavor of a fresh cup of coffee.
[post_title] => Does Your Coffee Grind Really Matter? [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => open [ping_status] => open [post_password] => [post_name] => does-your-coffee-grind-really-matter [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2020-09-25 06:01:37 [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-09-25 04:01:37 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => blog [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [3] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 69797 [post_author] => 5 [post_date] => 2020-09-25 05:59:38 [post_date_gmt] => 2020-09-25 03:59:38 [post_content] =>From the Mimosa to the Bloody Mary–the problem with breakfast cocktails is that they can easily slow you down and hinder the rest of your day. Alcohol simply makes it hard to soldier on into the Saturday or Sunday afternoon.
There's a decidedly Italian solution: a breakfast cocktail delicious enough to keep your interest and potent enough to keep you wide awake: The Caffè Vergnano Espresso Negroni.
You might think of it as a classy vodka Red Bull; a upper-crust Irish coffee. Sure, it has caffeine and alcohol. But the trick is expertly combining the stimulants you’re going to consume. Champagne and Prosecco is gas and sugars which will increase your bloat and worsen the post-breakfast hangover. Bailey’s is heavy and its high dairy content will send you to your post-brunch naptime.
The key to the Espresso Negroni is that it takes strong Italian espresso and combines it with strong liquor: caffeine and alcohol, a bit of orange peel...there's nothing in it to pull your spirits you down. And this drink works wonderfully hot or cold, so it can be served in a martini glass or a mug depending on the season.
1 part gin
1 part sweet vermouth
1 part Campari
½ part Caffè Vergnano espresso
Orange peel
The Unique, Spirited Italian History of Campari
Campari began in Novara, an Italian town just west of Milan, in 1860. Gaspare Campari, when bartender-turned-cafe-proprietor began bottling a bitter, herbal cocktail invention in his cellar.
The recipe reportedly has not changed since that time: Campari is a blend of equal parts of alcohol, sugar syrup, distilled water, and an infusion flavored with oranges, rhubarb, and ginseng, as well as a mixture of herbs. What herbs? The true recipe is shrouded in secrecy.
Another distinctly Italian spirit, that makes up up the Negroni is vermouth–and the world's best selling vermouth is also a decidedly Italian affair from Martini & Ross, which started in 1863 in Turin, right down the street from where Caffè Vergnano began our storied roots not long thereafter.
[post_title] => Caffè Vergnano Negroni: A Most Italian of Cocktails [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => open [ping_status] => open [post_password] => [post_name] => caffe-vergnano-negroni-a-most-italian-of-cocktails [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2020-09-25 05:59:38 [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-09-25 03:59:38 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => blog [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [4] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 69796 [post_author] => 5 [post_date] => 2020-09-25 05:56:26 [post_date_gmt] => 2020-09-25 03:56:26 [post_content] =>Caffé Vergnano is the #1 best-selling Nespresso Compatible Coffee Capsule in Italy. Worldwide, Italian Coffee is highly regarded. In fact, what the world knows as 'coffee culture' is very much Italy-inspired, though global espresso culture has evolved a bit beyond its original Italian roots.
Coffee is now considered the number one consumed beverage in the world, (ahead of beer, tea, and even orange juice). And since the espresso machine was invented by Angelo Moriondo in Turin in 1884, (also the home of Caffè Vergnano and 2 years after we were founded–a coincidence?), Italians have led if not 'invented' the way the world consumes its most famous beverage, from terminology, to the process it's prepared, to the method with which it is consumed.
While the global exportation of our Italian coffee culture has greatly benefited the recognition of our native coffee quality, there are many mischaracterizations which we simply cannot control, including the size differentials quite popular in America (the Grande, Venti), which would never be seen in an authentic Italian coffee shop. The heavily milked-up, sugary and Americanized coffee concoctions would be met with mirth if found in our caffès in Rome or Milan.
Here we set to correct the coffee myths, and reaffirm the true rules of our authentic Italian coffee culture.
It is a Daily Ritual
In Italy, the ritual of coffee defines each day. Milk IS in fact permitted with Italian coffee consumption, but only before 11am. And milk is never served with coffee after a meal. The breakfast ritual may include a Cappuccino, equal parts espresso and steamed milk, a Caffè latte which is espresso with more steamed milk and less foam, or a Latte macchiato, steamed milk with a splash of espresso.
Be careful how you order your caffè in Italy, however. Order a latte, and you’ll receive a cup with milk which is exactly what you ordered. And be sure to drink it in the caffè. Yes, Italians can drink their espresso shot quickly, but a 'to-go' cup is the sure sign of a tourist.
There is an Art of Espresso
Coffee is indeed seen as a community activity. It's over coffee that Italians discuss their politics, their family dramas and career achievements. And many Italians not only have their one select coffee bar that they frequent daily, they have their preferred barista that creates their perfetto espresso. Yes, in Italy the barista is indeed a highly respected career.
Maintaining a Tradition of Simplicity
Italian art of coffee embraces simplicity, though there are a few accepted regionalisms that break from this trend. In Naples, for example, their is the Caffè alla Nocciola, espresso flavored with hazelnut, and travel to Milan and you'll find the local favorite Marocchino, what can be described as an upside-down cappuccino–cocoa powder first lines the cup, which is then topped with steamed milk, then finished off with a shot of espresso.
The Permissibles
If you want to step in line and drink your coffee in an accepted way, stick with tradition. The Caffè Americano is that watered down-espresso most similar to the American brewed coffee. The Macchiato is espresso 'stained' with frothed milk, the Ristretto is a strong espresso with less water, and a Corretto is an espresso 'corrected' with a shot of alcohol, a drink generally served after work or in the morning to 'correct' that unfortunate hangover. Order one of these and you will certainly get a pass of approval from your Italian barista.
Italian coffee culture is one that we wear with pride, and one that extends beyond borders, into nearly every cup that's poured and brewed throughout the world each day. Feel free to make your cup your own, though as any Italian would recommend, make it a quality cup with quality beans and an appropriate grind, and be sure to savor each sip. Saluti!
[post_title] => Our Italian Coffee Tradition Lives On [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => open [ping_status] => open [post_password] => [post_name] => our-italian-coffee-tradition-lives-on [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2020-09-25 05:56:26 [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-09-25 03:56:26 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => blog [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [5] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 69795 [post_author] => 5 [post_date] => 2020-09-25 05:49:12 [post_date_gmt] => 2020-09-25 03:49:12 [post_content] =>The Coffee Roasting Process is one of the most important to Caffè Vergnano Coffees as it's this crucial step that transforms the chemical properties of the raw, green coffee bean into a finalized authentic Italian espresso product.
Coffee roasters often name their roasts with special names but as there is no industry standardization these special names can mean very little to you, the coffee consumer. Coffee consumers offer confuse color with caffeine levels, assuming dark coffee means stronger concentration, however, light roasts actually have a slightly higher caffeine levels.
Educating yourself on the the available roast varieties, you should first know the four defining categories: Light, Medium, Medium-Dark and Dark.
The Perfect Roast
There ultimately is no 'perfect roast' as roast and coffee flavor profile is truly a personal choice guided by preference, experience and often geographic location.
At Caffè Vergnano, our coffee varieties are generally medium roasted. This is a trademark of the authentic Italian Roast, which we believe provides a more diverse flavor palette. Though, for lovers of the dark roasted flavor our Intenso and Arabica varieties offer that 'fullest-flavored' coffee that many prefer.
Our Italian Roast is roasted just to the point where oil develops and the coffee beans have a mostly non-oily surface. This variety is also the most often preferred in the United States, where a less-harsh, bittersweet flavor profile is desired. This variety is also what is most preferred in Italy–and why it's known as the Italian Roast.
What is a Light Roast Coffee Bean?
A Light Roast coffee bean is light brown in color and is hallmarked by an exceedingly mild flavor. No oil can be found on the coffee bean surface as it is not roasted long enough for the oils to break through.
What is a Medium Roast Coffee Bean?
A Medium Roast coffee bean is a medium brown color and has a stronger coffee flavor but still retains a non-oily surface. Medium Roast is also known as an American Roast because it is generally preferred in the United States.
What is a Medium-Dark Roast Coffee Bean?
A Medium-Dark Roast coffee bean is rich in color, with just a bit of oil visibly rising the surface. The Medium Dark Roast also has a slightly bitter taste. What roasting style is often called the Italian Roast.
What is a Dark Roast Coffee Bean?
The Dark Roast coffee bean has a shiny, oily surface and a pronounced bitter flavor. The darker the roast, the less acidity will be found in the coffee beverage. What is known as French Roast Coffee is most often a Dark Roasted coffee bean.
As a company with a long and prestigious history of four generations and more than 130 years in the business, we at Caffè Vergnano pride ourselves in knowing the best roasting methods according the source. Our slow roasting methods–as opposed to 'turbo roasting'–is what give our coffees an evenly balanced roast and smooth, exceptional flavor.
Each of our coffee bean origins is roasted separately to perfection to accentuate the full aroma and quality of each and every bean. This is possible due to the fact that we are family owned, represented by the Vergnano family's cared for processes.
Our coffees individually slow roasted origins are eventually blended to guarantee the same quality in every cup, every time you want to taste your authentic Italian espresso.
[post_title] => Why An Italian Roast Matters to Your Coffee Cup [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => open [ping_status] => open [post_password] => [post_name] => why-an-italian-roast-matters-to-your-coffee-cup [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2020-09-25 05:49:12 [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-09-25 03:49:12 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => blog [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [6] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 69794 [post_author] => 5 [post_date] => 2020-09-25 05:44:34 [post_date_gmt] => 2020-09-25 03:44:34 [post_content] =>Reviewing our sales and analytic data reports since we launched our American site in February, we have noticed an increasing trend. Our Arabica product sales across all of our coffee categories including ground and Nespresso compatible coffee capsules show that 'Arabica' is in hot demand. In addition, our Google Analytic data shows the same trend: visitors are coming to our site because of 'Arabica'. So, Why are our Arabica products so popular?Which brings us to our first question: What IS Arabica? Arabica is a species of coffee indigenous to the mountains of Ethiopia prior to its spreading to coffee growing regions around the world. It is believed to be the first species of coffee to be cultivated.
And why is it special? Arabica is said to produce better tasting coffee than other coffee species, and there is a reason why: Caffeine. Or the lack of it. Highly caffeinated coffees, like Robusta which has twice the caffeine as Arabica are consistently and exceedingly bitter to the taste. Arabica contains less caffeine than any other commercially cultivated species of coffee and therefore has the most natural sweetness.In the cup, a well-prepared espresso borne of exclusivelyhigh-qualityArabica is noticeably aromatic with a natural sweetness and pleasing acidity with only a mild bitterness.
Is Arabica 'better'? Taste can ultimately only be held (like beauty) in the mouth of the beholder – and all of our Caffè Vergnano blends are of the highest quality, with exquisite detail paid to each step of the coffees production, where we see 'slow roasting' as a key determining factor that makes the best coffees rise to the top. However, if our customers tastes are of any indication, then Arabica is indeed the coffee of the moment, and our many Arabica coffees are indeed among the best available. We invite you to experience our best Arabica and make your own determination.
[post_title] => Are Arabica Coffee Beans Really the Best Tasting? [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => open [ping_status] => open [post_password] => [post_name] => are-arabica-coffee-beans-really-the-best-tasting [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2020-09-25 05:44:34 [post_modified_gmt] => 2020-09-25 03:44:34 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => blog [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [7] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 69793 [post_author] => 5 [post_date] => 2020-09-18 06:55:23 [post_date_gmt] => 2020-09-18 04:55:23 [post_content] =>For years I have celebrated the end of summer with my beloved tiramisu. And
with this recipe I am happy to inaugurate a small space for dialogue in which I
will try to tell you about the joys and sorrows of a life divided between
coffee and family.
Ground coffee (only the one made with the heart)
24 Ladyfingers
250 gr Mascarpone
2 yolks
3 tablespoons of brown sugar
Bitter cocoa
I prepare a coffee with the moka pot for 6/8
people, preferring an intense and full-bodied blend. While the coffee is
cooling, I whip the two egg yolks with the brown sugar with a fork for a few
minutes until the cream is frothy and lighter.
I add the mascarpone in spoons and to mix it I use
a simple fork, in order not to dismantle the cream.
I choose an oval or rectangular plate in which to
assemble my tiramisu.
I pour the warm coffee in a deep plate. I dip the
ladyfingers one by one in the coffee only on one side and place them on the
plate with the soaked side down. Once the row of 8 ladyfingers is completed, I
cover with a layer of cream and sprinkle with bitter cocoa. Repeat until the
three layers have been completed for a total of three layers of 8 ladyfingers
each. It is important to abound with the cream on the last layer.
I add a raspberry or a strawberry in the center
for a touch of color. And I try not to eat it all.
Carolina Vergnano
Good morning to you coffee lovers, to those who
wake up better with the perfume of fresh coffee. To you, who use the excuse
"see you for a coffee?" to taste your favorite drink once more, And
good morning to you, that making coffee is your job.
You, who own or work in a bar, and you know well that in that first coffee of
the day, in that cup drunk in a hurry at two in the afternoon, in those coffees
served to those two guys who look into each other's eyes there is much more
than just ground coffee powder and a caffeine molecule.
In those cafes there are hopes and dreams, there is energy, there is a desire
to stop for a moment, collect ideas and start over: you know that a coffee is
never "just" a coffee.
Here, this article is for all of you: today we’ll discover that, especially if
served in the right cup, coffee expresses at best its potential.
What characteristics should have the perfect cup
of coffee?
If the touch of the cup is the first step of the "coffee experience" it is also true that in the perfect cup of coffee nothing is left to chance. Let's see together what are the characteristics it must have:
• Capacity: the capacity must be 60 ml, maximum 90
• Material: it must be resistant and with good
thermal inertia to keep the right heat. The perfect material for a cup of
coffee is porcelain, a particular type of ceramic that is fired between 1300
and 1400 degrees and therefore retains its organoleptic properties, even in
contact with very hot liquids.
• Color: the ideal color is white (and this
confirms the excellent choice of porcelain). In fact, white allows you to
naturally perceive the color of the coffee and the different shades of the
cream on the surface.
• Edge: the edge on which the lips touch the cup
must be thin, because it conveys a sense of greater finesse and allows you to
taste the cream better.
• Bottom: the bottom must also reflect some
characteristics and the most important is the curvature. It must, in fact, be
free of edges and corners, also to allow the mix of coffee and sugar.
• Diameter: the diameter can be variable and must
not be too small. Its size must be sufficient to fully experience the olfactory
experience, which is the first encounter we have with coffee.
The details that make the
The perfect cup of coffee, therefore, is of white
porcelain, with a large diameter and a thin edge, with a curved bottom.
Other important details are certainly the handle
and the saucer: the handle is essential for the grip, the saucer for stability
when the cup is served.
The handle must therefore be easy to grip, not too
small or too big, allowing you to hold the cup in your hand without feeling too
much heat.
The saucer must be large enough to place the cup
and teaspoon on it.
A true coffee
lover may not necessarily notice all these details, but we can be sure that he
will appreciate the overall experience.
the details make the difference, either when the
coffee is quickly drunk standing up, running, on a rainy morning, or when it is
sipped calmly, between words, chatter and smiles.
Quickly try to think about how many happy love
stories, eternal friendships, lasting work relationships, complex speeches, big
announcements have had a cup of coffee as the stage: this is exactly where the
perfect cup is needed, to accompany the little moments that make a difference
in life.
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Members of the Z Generation are those under 25 years old and born between 1995 and 2010. Given their young age, they mostly live with their family and influence their purchasing choices.
Technological natives and social media experts, primarily Instagram, prefer the use of images over words. But this does not translate into superficiality as they show great interest in work (and the consequent economic independence) and towards important issues such as the environment, gender equality and social inclusion.
The predilection for technology does not remove them from the physical world and they seek security and stability in human contact.
The very young are attentive consumers, they read the labels, take an interest in what they buy and pay attention to companies capable of attracting their attention in a short time with stories and contents (from the origin of raw materials to the production process, up to the implications of social commitment). Although they are not particularly fond of specific brands, they marry those who are attentive to quality and respect of the environment and people.
A research by Caffè Vergnano conducted thanks to Survey Mokey highlights that, in line with the rest of Italians, even 20-year-olds love coffee (95% of interviewees consume it), and drink it both at home (the moka pot is preferred by 53% of the interviewees, who alternate it with capsules and pods) and outside of home coffee consumption.
They choose it first of all for the taste, then for the energy it brings and finally to accompany a moment of pause. Preferably consumed in the morning and in the afternoon, espresso is especially enjoyed with other people. 70% of respondents drink 1-2 coffees a day at home and buy it on different channels, mainly in supermarket, followed by the manufacturer's e-commerce and Amazon in the third place. They are very curious about the world of espresso, of which they love to discover every aspect, in particular those relating to the production part, the preparations (which they would like to replicate at home, through special tutorials), and history.
Going to the bar is certainly part of the habits of the very young: 32% go there every day, 33% from 1 to 3 times a week, and 13% even several times a day. They mainly order espresso (74%),
followed by cappuccino (49%), while other drinks such as ginseng are not particularly popular (17%).
The bar represents one of the meeting places of excellence, where you can spend your free time, experiment, offline, human relationships and cultivate friendships.
Generation Z members declare themselves fairly loyal to the trusted bar, but don't mind trying new places. The choice of location is influenced by the extra offer (presence of the study area, availability of wi-fi ...) and from the experience that is offered to them, to accompany the coffee. Quality remains a priority, but the story of what is served and the ability to be engaged with interesting content are elements that make the difference in defining the ideal coffee shop.
Among the other peculiarities that guide the choice of place, the
possibility of trying new extraction methods, further proof of the importance
of adequate preparation of the barista and continuous training.
Great attention must be paid to food as they prefer fresh, sustainably
produced, organic, with natural ingredients. Familiar with experimentation,
they love original flavor combinations and contaminations from other cultures,
with an eye to health.
Technology is certainly at the center of the lives of Generation Z members, and
they use it to simplify their lives, thus asking for the possibility of digital
payments or joining loyalty programs integrated into their smartphones, but
they are not willing to give up human contact, continuing to prefer the
physical place and the shop capable of satisfying their expectations and
satisfying their tastes and behaviors to online.