The Èspresso1882 CAPSULES are compatible with the TRÈ Èspresso1882 machine as well as Nespresso®* Citiz, Pixie, Essenza, Lattissima, U and Maestria coffee machines for home use.
Of course. Caffè Vergnano has produced machines for Èspresso1882 capsules: TRÈ and TRÈ+. Discover them all on our site, in their special section!
Of course. Èspresso1882 capsules can be found in the main supermarket chains and in the main Eataly sales points and in other selected sales points.
Èspresso1882 capsules are biodegradable but are not compostable, and should be considered undifferentiated waste.
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No, the range is exclusive to our bars and Coffee Shops 1882.
*The trademark is not the property of Caffè Vergnano S.p.A. or other connected companies.