The best way to survive the heat is by drinking plenty of fluids. Not only water: juice, orangeade, iced tea, cocktails…
Is the customer always right? Perhaps not, but in any case, customers are necessary for the survival of a café. Without them, any business would close down. So how can you make a cappuccino break become an even more pleasant experience? Here are four simple tips!
Satisfying your customers and building their loyalty at the coffee shop is one of the most coveted goals. Let’s understand what should be done and how.
People have hectic days, working in a fast-paced environment and the hourglass at lunch break has just a few grains of sand left – this is why more and more people have a quick lunch at the first café they find.
Coffee shop windows are an important calling card for your business. They are a preview of what customers can find inside, the essence of what they could miss out on if they don’t walk in and have something to eat or drink. For this reason, your window display requires your utmost attention.
With special terms (La Granda, Montersino, Eataly, Baladin, Lurisia, Kusmi, Vino Libero, Gelati Pepino).
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Not only water: juice, orangeade, iced tea, cocktails... Customers at the coffee shop expect to find a reasonable selection of refreshing thirst-quenching beverages. But which are the most popular?Fresh-squeezed Orange Juice and other Fruit Juices
And if someone asks for a fresh-squeezed orange juice? It may be taken for granted, but the truth is that many cafés don’t serve fresh-squeezed juice, only packaged fruit juices. There is a big difference between packaged and fresh-squeezed juice, especially if it is made from concentrates and contains food colouring and other additives. Today, consumers pay more and more attention to the ingredients of packaged food. For this reason, when choosing your products, it is better to buy 100% genuine fruit juices and offer fresh-squeezed orange juice prepared upon request.Iced Tea
Packaged or freshly made iced tea is a highly requested drink from May to September. Depending on taste, it can be with or without sugar, and the caffeine it contains gives you a boost of energy. After choosing the right blend, let it brew for a few minutes – not longer, otherwise it will become bitter. Then you can add some flavour: the classic slice of lemon or fresh mint, liquorice, bergamot, lavender and fruit to offer something different than usual. Decaffeinated tea is also popular with children.Fizzy Drinks
Fizzy drinks are a must in all Italian-style cafés. There are plenty on the market, including coke, orangeade, tonic water and alcohol-free cocktails. They all contain carbon dioxide that produces the bubbles we all love so much. Thirst-quenching energy drinks containing taurine or caffeine for a boost of energy are also on the menu. Carbonated drinks are in demand all through the day so you should always have them in the fridge of your coffee shop.Iced Espresso Shakerato
Those who can’t live without coffee, even with 40°C in the shade, have invented their summer version. As fresh and satisfying as an espresso, Iced Espresso Shakerato usually contains sugar and ice. There are numerous versions of this drink that include creamy liqueurs, vanilla syrup, cocoa powder or spices like cinnamon and chilli pepper.Alcoholic Drinks
Even if they don’t really quench your thirst, alcoholic drinks are still very much in demand during the summer, especially as sunset approaches giving start to the Italian aperitivo time. In addition to cold white wine, beer is a classic, as well as fruit drinks, apple cider, cocktails and long drinks. Mojito is one of the most popular cocktails due to the freshness of mint and lime complemented by brown sugar, sparkling water and rum in its original Cuban version. Another typical summer drink is Sangria, made with wine, fruit and spices. [post_title] => Which Beverages are Most Popular in the Summer? [post_excerpt] => The best way to survive the heat is by drinking plenty of fluids. Not only water: juice, orangeade, iced tea, cocktails... [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => open [ping_status] => open [post_password] => [post_name] => which-beverages-are-most-popular-the-summer [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2017-06-01 08:48:37 [post_modified_gmt] => 2017-06-01 06:48:37 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => blog [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [1] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 69765 [post_author] => 5 [post_date] => 2017-05-25 08:48:30 [post_date_gmt] => 2017-05-25 06:48:30 [post_content] => Is the customer always right? Perhaps not, but in any case, customers are necessary for the survival of a café. Without them, any business would close down. So how can you make a cappuccino break become an even more pleasant experience? Here are four simple tips!Always greet walk-in customers
Greeting customers is a practice of courtesy that should not be underestimated. Customers need us to make their purchase, so they will speak to a member of staff eventually. If possible, it is always best to greet them first so that they don’t feel as if they are in the position of someone who needs help. A simple “Good morning!” or “Good evening!” is enough, better still if accompanied by a smile and the type of expression that says, “How can I help you?”. When someone walks into the coffee shop, they are looking forward to a relaxing break. Greet them to make them feel welcome.Be nice, kind and discreet
Customers at cafés are totally different than those at sports shops. They often go to cafés to relax, see other people, meet someone they know or make new acquaintances. Cafés really are social gathering places and not only after sunset. Having said this, it isn’t hard to understand that being nice is a highly appreciated quality in baristas. Some people even try to start a conversation. If they find a wall of ice, they probably won’t come back! Even an amusing remark can be an excellent way to welcome customers. The important thing is that you do it in the most unobtrusive way possible, without being too familiar. [shortcode-banner-accademia-en]Keep the place nice and clean
It’s good to spend time on you own or in good company in a clean, well-furnished place, characterised by flawless tables, clear menus with prices, easily reachable sugar and napkins, well-groomed servers and baristas, shiny equipment, and so on. These are only a few basics to build customer loyalty and not make customers run away. Uncomfortable chairs, rickety tables, stale air, too much heat or cold are also to be avoided at all costs. Furnish you coffee shop paying attention to every detail and you will never get bad publicity!Standing out is important
There are many coffee shops so why should someone choose yours? In order for a coffee shop to work, it should have several strong points: be in a strategic location, sell what customers want and outshine the competition. Each coffee shop has its own brand identity and customers recognise its distinctive features. It has its own personality, resulting from a combination of several factors, including interior decoration, staff’s politeness and so on. Standing out from the rest will help prospective customers build a more defined image of your coffee shop and it will be easier for them to associate you with their coffee break! [post_title] => Do You Welcome Customers to Your Coffee Shop the Right Way? [post_excerpt] => Is the customer always right? Perhaps not, but in any case, customers are necessary for the survival of a café. Without them, any business would close down. So how can you make a cappuccino break become an even more pleasant experience? Here are four simple tips! [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => open [ping_status] => open [post_password] => [post_name] => do-you-welcome-customers-to-your-coffee-shop-the-right-way [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2017-05-25 08:48:30 [post_modified_gmt] => 2017-05-25 06:48:30 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => blog [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [2] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 69764 [post_author] => 5 [post_date] => 2017-05-18 08:50:25 [post_date_gmt] => 2017-05-18 06:50:25 [post_content] => Satisfying your customers and building their loyalty at the coffee shop is one of the most coveted goals. Let’s understand what should be done and how. Building customer loyalty means creating a bond, that isn’t a one-way relationship but one based on give and take. You need to be able to rely on your customers and your customers should receive a privileged service, which enables them to get something more at the same price. Satisfied customers who come back to your coffee shop cost less, in terms of advertising, than passers-by you need to attract, without considering the fact that their word-of-mouth recommendations are an exceptional form of promotion. Three are the starting points:
- Good product
- Good service
- Good quality for money
- Identify your target market
- Customise your service
- Propose loyalty cards
There’s a trick and you can almost see it... between two slices of bread
Fortunately, the days of second-rate fast food are over, when your dream of a quick, tasty and healthy meal sadly vanished after a few bites of a tasteless and barely cooked cheese toastie standing at the counter of the café below your office. Today finally, even fast food eaters can satisfy their taste buds. Coffee shops are not only delicatessens, offering hot dishes just out of the oven, they also offer a wide selection of tasty stuffed sandwiches, tramezzini, baguettes, focaccia and piadinas. The secret lies in the ingredients, first of all in genuine flours of the finest quality just like in the past: wholemeal loaves of spelt, barley, rye or oats, ready to be stuffed, or gluten free bakery products made from chickpea, kamut, corn or rice flour. The filling is the cherry on the cake: unusual combinations of ingredients and refined tastes. And cold cuts? The traditional list of cured and roast meats, salamis, prosciutto crudo and prosciutto cotto, and smoked speck is now enriched with other specialities such as boar and dear or aromatic seasoned pâté. Seafood also plays an important role: smoked steaks, crudo seafood and delicious shellfish fill tramezzini sandwiches and canapés served at the buffets of coffee shops and bars.Special tasty treats with mousse and sauces
To be masterfully combined, different ingredients need a mix that brings out their taste and enhances the recipe. The secret lies in choosing the right sauce or spreadable cream. There is one for all tastes: a pinch of exoticism in the fragrance of yoghurt with hints of oriental spices and powders, vegetable Tahini cream and mousse, delicious sesame cream, enriched with oilseeds or regional varieties of pesto. And, of course, sauces not only featuring the traditional Grana but also fresh and aged blue cheese and goat and sheep’s milk cheeses.Vegans for Passion
For health enthusiasts and purists of organic sandwiches, <url=>vegan recipes and the freshest local products are a good alternative to a hot bowl of farmer’s soup or a mixed salad. This is the rich offer of the latest healthy gastronomy:- vegetable cold cuts
- vegetable pâté to spread on bruschettas and canapés
- delicious creams of vegetables and legumes, also enriched with tofu and seasoned with aromatic herbs.
Coffee shop windows are an important calling card for your business. They are a preview of what customers can find inside, the essence of what they could miss out on if they don’t walk in and have something to eat or drink. For this reason, your window display requires your utmost attention.
Distinguishing Marks: Simply Beautiful
Your coffee shop window should be beautiful. Beautiful in the objective sense of the word. Because, even in this case, beauty can be objective and some aspects are universally acknowledged as being beautiful, no matter what your personal tastes or aesthetic preferences are. And this doesn’t depend on the brand, style, materials or technical features of your business. So, what are the 5 original ideas to set up your coffee shop window display? They are ideas that go way beyond detail, concepts that will be found in each area of your café, in your staff’s movements, in the atmosphere you breathe the moment you wish someone “Good morning!”. These ideas include layout, tidiness, cleanliness, quantity, quality and variety. They don’t necessarily have to be in this order since they are all equally important and one does not exclude the other.
The Ingredients to Great Success
The ABCs of setting up your shop window lie in your DNA and experience will have increased your knowledge, perhaps through training courses or the generous advice of family and friends. The display area should be clean and tidy to the nth degree. This is something that can’t be considered as a minor detail. Your job and reputation are at stake here. At the same time, it should be abundant in quantity and variety – never leave empty spaces.
- A personalised description of the product. "Verba volant, scripta manent". An original product info card in all its features – material, handwriting and holder. The information and name of the product should also reflect who you are.
- Fruit compositions. Mother nature provides us with a great quantity of fresh fruit all through the year. Display it with taste and style to offer inviting snacks at any time of the day. There are infinite combinations.
- Recall the times of year. Depending on the period of the year, you can draw inspiration from the calendar to create special breakfasts, snacks or tastings. The various festivities and other celebrations will give you plenty of ideas from which to choose.
- Natural local products. Everyone likes them, especially you. You should display them in a special corner, revealing your dedication to ecological sustainability. Simple floral decorations will add great value and refinement.
- The house specialities. Select and display your house specialities and periodically interchange them in the shop window. To capture the attention of passers-by, choose a vintage name that is more evocative than usual names and your coffee shop will be also remembered for its traditional recipes.